Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Talking to myself...

Still no news on the job front. I was supposed to hear today, but I'm thinking that I won't hear until Wed or Thursday.

I've gotten a new burst of energy in the last few days. I noticed that I was getting more and more scatterbrained as I waited to hear about this job in CA. My routine had gotten reduced to clicking back and forth between job searching sites, real estate sites/blogs and repeatedly checking my email for leads. I'd get the kids out the door for school (much thanks to my lovely bride for patience as I tend to just get in the way of the process) and then log onto the web and start clicking.

It wasn't productive. When I realized what I was doing I did a little self-assessment. Maybe when you get in a rut/funk it would help you too (which is why it is worth it for me to share...)

I said to myself, "Self, in a couple of months you'll be at a new job. You are likely to look back on this time (1 or 2 months without work) and wish you would have done things differently."

I was right of course. I would undoubtedly look back on my unshaved, unshowered, pajama-clad web-cruising as a waste of perfectly good time.

So my self then asked,
"What are the things that you would want to have done with this time to make you look back and think good thoughts about what you did?"

No surprise as to the answer, but it was good therapy to listen to myself.
1. Workout every day. (Duh. With no work schedule constraints could potentially work out at anytime of the day.) So it's scheduled. Every day. I'm sore to the touch, but sticking to the plan.
2. Eat clean. My lovely bride is good at helping me with this, but I do tend to self-sabotage with cookie dough binges on Sundays after church...
3. Work the Real Estate like a monkey chasing a coin. I am doing something every day to move my RE dream forward. (In fact, I have talked to 1 new seller and did 3 follow up drive-by's today already.)
4. Work the job boards/recruiter follow up's every day. Since the postings don't change much from hour to hour, I check in the morning and evening and call it good. I'm on top of it, but not getting carpal tunnel syndrome from my job search.

We all would like to look back on the last 30 days and be proud of what we did. Right? Ask yourself what you'd like to look back on and get busy doing.

Thanks to MLK day yesterday my probates got mailed a day later than planned, but I suppose one day isn't going to kill any deals. Over the weekend my lovely bride and I signed, folded, stamped and stuffed 106 more probate letters. 45 decedents & 106 heirs. With my 20% response rate, that means the phone should ring 9 times with interested sellers. Not bad, but I nded more.

My foreclosure researcher has been real quiet the last week or so, but he's got a new baby and I imagine he's spending more time at home as the temps dip below 30... I need to follow up with him to see if I need to find a replacement...

I'm meeting up with my probate researcher Wed morning and hope to crank out another 50 records to be mailed later this week.

I am also going to look into out of town owners as a mailing list as well. I know that my best probate responses have come from this category and since I'm at the courthouse anyway to do probates, it makes sense to find the title office and start snooping around for info...

I think my Self would be happy with that...



Teresa said...

You give me way more props than are deserved. And I'm getting spoiled having you there in the morning to get the boys ready for school. But I would happily adjust to having you gone early to a job that makes you happy and our family secure.

Chantal said...

Scott - if only I had your drive...I have to speak in church on Sunday about Setting goals and Keeping Commitments. Why in the world choose me to do this!!??! Maybe you could come to Richmond and speak for me?! You'd be perfect for that! Honestly, I'm hoping it snows again so church is canceled!

Taylor said...

It's supposed to snow on Thursday, but it'll probably be clear by the weekend. Pray hard!