Friday, February 1, 2008

I Suppose It's Better to Know Than Not Know...

My Lovely Bride is constantly posting her favorite recipes on her blog. I came across this and thought it might be a good inspiration for the upcoming Superbowl parties this weekend. Mmmmm... cholesterol. Yum.

Monday came and went and still not word on the job in CA. I called my recruiter twice. Going Nuts!

Tuesday I called my recruiter 3 times and he finally heard back from the company. They had filled the position. I think his precise words were:
"I got an email reply from the hiring manager. Looked like it was typed on a Blackberry. They said that they really enjoyed meeting you and that you were a great candidate, but the position was filled."

So I'm back to square ___ (I forget what square I left off on.)

I have interviewed and will be signing the paperwork Friday for a job as a marketing rep for the local Glass Doctor franchisee. We met at a networking event and our initial conversation centered around how challenging it is to try to start a business without the support of your current employer. So he's good with me trying to make a go of this real estate thing of mine. He has always left the door open for me to join him, so I'm going to take him up on the offer and hit the streets calling on insurance agencies and auto dealerships. It's not nearly enough to get me back to what I was making, but it's nearly double unemployment. Plus, I dispise the thought of being healthy and able-bodied and using a social program like unemployment. Goes against everything I'm about. Anyway, I'm going to have to do something else to fill in the $$ gap in addition to Windows & Windshields.

I'm on the fence about how hard to hit up local restaurants for night shifts. It's a tough one because I feel like I'm on the brink with my real estate thing, but since nothing has popped yet I can't say for sure. I'll probably go out & grab applications next week. Funny thing is I'll have to dumb-down my resume to get a waiter job!
"Hi, My name is Taylor and I"ll be your server tonight. I've got a BS in Finance, an MBA in Management and we've got some lovely new appetizers in the upper left hand corner of your menu.
Can I interest anyone in a beverage to start off with?"

Ahh, Crap.
On the Real Estate Front: I sent another batch of probates on the 29th of Jan. 111 Heirs from 56 files. They mailed on Wed and like clockwork, the phone started ringing as the mail hit the boxes on Thursday. The calls were not as promising as some of my more recent responses , but these were older probate files.
I got 4 calls total on Thursday afternoon with:
  • one already sold,
  • one already fixed up and on the market, listed with an agent on Monday this week,
  • one not planning on selling for 3-5 years (!) but she really liked me & will call me when they're ready to sell,
  • and one heir in Tennessee who was sure she was getting ripped off by the other heirs here in Virginia Beach and asked me to go look at the file and see if she was in the will.

I am still following up every couple of days on the Cunningham St house, the used car lot house and a couple of other interesting sellers. I have another batch of files to process, label and mail over the weekend so next week will have some more calls at least.

I have finished the 2007 probate files for Virginia Beach and my researcher should be able to keep me caught up on the new '08 files with her 2hrs a week. I'm going to hit Chesapeake as soon as my new job schedule shuffles out. I really need to get a researcher working over there as well. I may advertise on the REIA website to see if a young Realtor wants to learn the probate process...

I am still applying for all kinds of jobs here and back in CA and expect to see something in the coming months, but until then it's going to be cracked windshields, broken windows

and if Outback is hiring I'll be flinging some 'bloomin Onion' around too!

Keep praying for us.

Pray for a deal.


Teresa said...

That food looks disgusting. I'm not sure how a major sporting event has encouraged the tradition of eating like a pig.
Keep moving forward !!!

Chantal said...

Oh man, those hamburger/doughnuts give me heart burn just looking at them! That's awesome.

The Glass Doctor has the best marketing manager they'll ever get. AND THEY KNOW IT! Sorry to hear about the California job but secretly I'm so glad you guys aren't leaving us behind so quickly! said...

mmmmm.. donuts

Steph said...

Hey Taylor,

If you are looking to make some quick cash, and considering waiting tables, you might also consider delivering pizza. Seriously. A good friend of mine fell on some hard times last year and got a job at Papa John's. He made decent money (almost the same as waiting tables), and he didn't have to kiss as much ass.

Just a thought.

Hang in there- everything will work out for you.

Tami Cromar said...

What the hell is up with those donuts you fat bastard? Nice to finally have time to review the site. I love the play by play. Chin up bro, have another kid, that always seems to make things better. Ask Tom about that.


J Cromar