Friday, October 24, 2008

Keep your hook in the water...

They say that to catch a fish you've got to have your hook in the water. Well, my hook is out there, but at times I feel like this guy. (see photo @ left.)

Last week I got to the point where I just got fed up with trying to figure out this market and started meeting with sellers. I remember having the same turning point when I was in VA. Just woke up one day and said, "Self, enough analysis. Time to get out and see some people." And things just took off from there. In hopes of improving my closing ratio, I have put together a nice little flip chart presentation (MBA guy can't resist some good charts & graphs:) and wanted to try it out.

I scheduled myself for two appointments back to back. One at 9am, one at 11am. My presentation went great both times and I got an option contract at the first house (details below,) and a commitment from the seller at the next house (no contract though, the place is hammered and she won't be able to sell it until it is fixed up.) My appointments actually ran about 2-2 1/2 hrs each, but by the time I was done with them, the sellers had an education of the market and a gameplan for what they could do 'by selling to me, listing with an agent or selling on their own...' It went better than I had hoped.

Stoney Creek Rd, Paso Robles
This 2400 sq ft house was bought by a bay area (Palo Alto) couple as a second home/investment back in 2005. They watched the price go up, up, up... and now come back down. It has been on the market for the last 6 mo's at $489k. I picked it up at about 100k less than that and will be holding an 11 Day Sale the weekend of Nov 8 & 9th. I've got a partnership with a local mortgage broker who will be there at the open house on both days to get people pre-qualified.

I've got another appointment Saturday morning and should have more next week. We're moving forward now!

1 comment:

Chantal said...

Yay Scott! Way to go! Keep looking for our house!